Drum roll, please…Kascade is announcing its latest support pack, Kascade Support M365! And you’re not going to want to miss what this newest service can do.
With Kascade Support M365, we understand that no two businesses are the same. That’s why we’ve crafted three specialised support packs, catering to your organisation’s unique needs. Whether you need proactive planning or rapid escalation assistance, our packs have you covered at every turn.
Introducing Kascade Support M365
Today marks the official launch of Kascade Support M365 – your dedicated Microsoft 365 support team. So say goodbye to IT headaches and hello to seamless productivity with our newest support pack.
The bets are on! We bet your business is using the tools, solutions and applications within Microsoft 365 to shift into gear when it comes to modern working. And we can’t fault you! If you’re already using Microsoft, you’re probably aware that 365 is made to keep modern businesses like yours connected and productive, especially given the prevalence of remote working.
But with modern working, there are modern challenges and risks. Of all UK workers, 44% are working in a hybrid way, meaning that less of your data is protected within the four walls of your business. Your data is going on a grand tour, travelling from location to location, meeting and greeting many different people. PLUS, we do all love a new release, and no we don’t mean the new box-office favourite. We mean more applications and tools being released to make your life easier. And Microsoft is the king of giving their users more innovative applications that will meet the demands of the ever-changing workspace. But, once again, although we all like new, shiny applications – and yes, they are undisputedly more beneficial – learning how to use them is complex and a lack of understanding can add another level of security risk.

So, how do you have your modern working cake and eat it, without worrying? Well, that’s where our new support pack comes in.
Your business deserves proactive Microsoft 365 monitoring and support. You deserve a trusted extension of your team that will provide security auditing and personalised support. That’s what Kascade Support M365 and our good friend SaaS Alerts will give you. If you know us (or even if you don’t – Hi, we’re Kascade), we walk the walk when it comes to making sure IT support for businesses goes beyond simple escalation. We don’t believe that businesses should have to pick one or the other when it comes to security, modern working and enjoying new applications; we want you to have your cake and eat it (with sprinkles and cream toppings too!).
Sounds great, what’s included?
So, enough about us (and food). If you’re reading this article, you probably want us to get to the nitty-gritty of why a support pack like this is needed. So, let’s break it down:
Whenever someone speaks about security, we jump to gloom and doom situations. Rather than enjoying what modern working and Microsoft have to offer, many of us are choosing flight over fight. But, with our support package, you can fight back against security risks and win better working practices. Even if you have security monitoring, does it look at Microsoft 365 alerts? And to what level? And no, before you think we are throwing shade at your security, we’re not. We just know that with Microsoft being such a big part of many businesses, you’ll surely be wanting specialist Microsoft 365 security that focuses on all the details of your Microsoft environment, however small of big.
The M365 goalposts keep moving
With so many things changing so quickly, it can be hard to keep on top of it all. But no, you don’t need to spend endless hours staying ahead of the quick changes. What you need are specialists whose job it is to keep your business ahead of the game. We will pencil you in for a quarterly review, at a time most convenient to you. During these reviews, we work closely with you to assess your Microsoft security score and best practices, identifying any areas that require attention. We then make the necessary adjustments to enhance your overall security.
Avoiding a one-person Microsoft Team
If you have an in-house Microsoft person, that’s great! But what happens if they go on holiday or are sick? And even if you have a few members of your team devoted to Microsoft, do you really have the time and energy to keep up with all the changes, monitoring, 365 logs, and doing health checks? Thought not. So, unless you have Bill Gates on speed dial, this service is a great way for you to stay up to date with Microsoft. We’re here as your partner and an extension of your team. Whether you need help resolving a Microsoft 365 ticket, advice on maximising the value of your subscription or simply want to pick our brains, our dedicated team is always on hand to support you.
Be PROactive, not reactive
What’s that thing our grandmothers always used to say? “Prevention is twice worth the cure”. And, although you may have got sick of hearing this, Grandma had a point. Whether it’s your health or your IT, if you’re proactive in keeping things healthy, in working order, and safe, it makes it less likely that you need to react. And that is what Kascade Support M365 does. we regularly monitor and review activity within Microsoft 365. From detecting abnormal user behaviour and monitoring application use to identifying email forwarding rules, we provide you with real-time insights and alerts, keeping you one step ahead of potential threats.
And that’s a wrap! Well, just for this article. We’re sure you’ll be hearing more about our Kascade Support M365 packs in the weeks ahead.
Enjoy security, productivity and innovation without compromise
Discover how Kascade Support M365 can fuel business growth