Tech strategy workshop: Building success in 2024

Join us on: 25th Jan 2024

Starting at: 09:00

Date: 25th Jan 24 l Time: 9am – 1pm l Location: Kascade HQ

As the new year unfolds, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your strategy. Are all the pieces in place? Are your priorities clear and in alignment with your business goals? Join our strategy planning workshop and kick start 2024 with a comprehensive technical strategy that’s tailored to your organisation.

During this workshop, our experts will guide you through a strategic planning session, asking the crucial questions to pinpoint your organisation’s key focus areas. We’ll cover four essential pillars:

  • Business Objectives
  • User Experiences
  • Infrastructure
  • Security

After this session, you’ll have the tools to review your current tech strategy and spot any gaps or areas that need extra attention. This session with set you up for a successful 2024.

Set yourself up for success in 2024

Don’t miss this opportunity to chart a course for success in the year ahead.