Beyond Licensing:
the Hidden Gems of Microsoft with Kascade

What do you get from your current license provider? Just a license? That’s not enough.

When you choose Kascade for your Microsoft 365 licensing, you’re not just signing up for a license – you’re signing up for a journey that will transform the way you work. It’s so much more than a yearly transaction to keep your licenses. We show you how to thrive with Microsoft 365… and can even save you some pennies along the way. 

So much more than a license!

Other license providers just give you a license, and then check back in a year later when it’s time to renew. Not Kascade. When you choose us for your Microsoft licensing, you get all of these hidden gems included… 

Bi-annual health checks

Twice a year, we dive into your Microsoft 365 setup, checking all the vitals – usage, configuration, security and user adoption. And we make any necessary tweaks and changes to make sure you’re using your subscription to the max.

Adopt 365 training

Keeping up with Microsoft 365 can feel like a challenge. That’s where Adopt 365 comes in – your go-to learning centre for mastering everything Microsoft 365 – clear bite-size lessons, on-demand access, and expert tips and tricks.

Art of the Possible sessions

Want to dive a bit deeper? Our ‘Art of the Possible’ sessions are tailored to your business. They inspire your leaders and teams to harness the full spectrum of Microsoft 365’s capabilities, aligning with your strategic goals.

Want to save some money?

Free audit, anyone? 

Nobody likes to splurge on things they don’t need, right? But maybe you’re paying for apps when you could be using ones already included in your Microsoft 365 subscription. We can find out by carrying out a FREE AUDIT!

Imagine how much money you could save! 

Then, if you choose us as your license provider, you get all the perks listed above, including training and support as you start using all the apps within your Microsoft subscription.

So, do you want to…

Save money?

Make more ROI?

Increase efficiency and productivity?

Access free training?