Get ready for another wave of change when it comes to your business’s communications. (Don’t worry, it’s for the better).
Fed up being tied down by your office phone? Find yourself crossing your fingers for a decent connection that doesn’t leave you guessing every other word? Then we have some great news!
BT is switching off the traditional calling networks – ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network). This is to make way for the new and improved IP (Internet Protocol) or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Don’t get us wrong, this change will take time – December 2025, to be exact. But now is the perfect time to understand why they are scrapping the old networks and why IP is the next big thing for your comms.
Taking you on a journey through tech time…
We’re in the 21st century… and have been for over two decades. Tech has changed A LOT in that time. ISDN and PSTN are 20th-century revelations. The copper wires from the PSTN were a revamp of 19th-century tech, and ISDN was the cutting-edge digital platform of the 1980s. But they’ve had their time. Now, we have higher expectations of the quality and features of our phones – the old tech simply doesn’t cut it in the modern world.
What’s more, with all the drastic changes we’ve faced in the last couple of years, we rely on the best tech, solutions and flexibility to do our jobs. Doesn’t it make sense that phone systems have the same qualities and features as the rest of the day-to-day tech we have come to love?
So, taking one giant step for the UK businesses and their communications, BT is now working on rolling out a full-fibre network across the UK.
But what does this have to do with you? Well, let us explain.
Although many people are comfortable with the familiarity of the old phone networks along with the perks of modern working tech, it’s time to accept that change WILL happen to your phone lines. BT is guiding the hand of many businesses to start their journey in truly embracing modern communications with all its added benefits. So, if you’re still using the traditional phone networks for your business, it’s time to start thinking about that ‘break-up’.
‘But 2025 is ages away’, we hear you say. Yes, that may be. BUT… BT will stop selling traditional phone lines in exchange areas from September this year – just X months away. What does this mean? Basically, if your area is over 75% full fibre-enabled, you won’t have the option of those traditional networks, and you’ll have to embrace IP networks. So, before it comes to crunch time in September, now is your chance to look at which modern calling plan would be best for your business’s needs.
Please don’t think of this change as a stressful one! While BT is laying the groundwork of IP, you have the chance to enhance your modern workspace communications through this much improved tech. Believe it or not, IP isn’t fresh technology. It’s been here long enough for us to feel confident in it, AND has all those added modern working perks.
So what are the benefits of IP?
IP is revolutionising communications as it is the most advanced system that helps people communicate in new and improved ways. It looks like a regular phone call to its recipients, and it dials like a regular office phone. But its key difference is that it uses the internet to make and receive calls, which presents you with a heap of benefits:
- Cost-effective
- Flexibility
- Scalability
- Security
- Lower upfront costs
… and many more
It’s time to break free!
So now you know – change is afoot.. If you’re still attached to the old phone networks, now is the perfect time to break free. We know it may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and technology, your business can become more connected and efficient.
Find out what IP phone options are best for your business by completing the form below.
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