Megan’s Day two VLOG at VMworld



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So yesterday was the second day of VMworld 2018 and once again was packed with extremely good session, announcements and content. 

The day was kicked off with the 1st general session of the event hosted by VMware CEO, Pat Gelsinger. During the session, Pat spoke about the consistent VMware vision of Anny application, Any Device on Any Cloud. This vision is now enhanced to have intrinsic security with vSphere Platinum, a combination of vSphere with App Defence. Pat also discussed the messaging announced at VMworld US 2017 that as an industry we need to stop chasing bad and start ensuring good. Pat the futher supported this message by discussing how adaptive microsegmenation with AppDefence and NSX to ensure the network security is constantly adapting to the application on demand rather than having static network policies. 

The rest of my day was made up of undertaking my first ever Hands-On-Labs all around deploying Workspace ONE and integrating this with Windows 10. 

The last session of the day that I attended was the EUC keynote presentation with Shawn Bass. Shawn discussed how users are working differently, working outside of the company network. With Workspace ONE and modern management we are now able to patch these remotely to ensure they remain secure, something that we could not have done using legacy tools.  

All in all, the day was amazing and I am loving my VMworld 2018 experience so far! Take a look at the video below for more content about my day! 

P.S. A real highlight of my day was getting a selfie with Joe Baguley!

I also like to summarise key messages live during the day with my snapshot images. Take a look at my snapshots from Day 2 below!

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Take a look at my other VLOG’s from VMworld 2018!

My focus for VMworld 2018

Megan’s Day One VLOG at VMworld

Megan’s Day Three VLOG at VMworld

My Interview with Shawn Bass

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