This year we have decided to take our Define Tomorrow events on Tour around the South of the UK. These events are technology focused and aim to help attendees understand how the technologies at the event can help their business.
The first on tour event was based in Bristol, and focused on the threat of Cyber Crime that, even if unaware, every business faces today.
ComputerWorld Director, Barry Coombs opened the event with a thought provoking presentation, informing the attendees of the challenges that your business could be facing. Barry went into detail about all the types of cyber threats that you face, including Phishing, Baiting and more and discussed industry reports that highlight the increase of cyber crime to both small and large enterprises and the damaging after effects that this can have on your business.
Download Barry’s Presentation
After Barry sufficently scared everyone that their business was at risk, Andy Crail – Manager Systems Engineering at Trustwave started to calm everyone down by introducing the methods and technologies that can help your business from being subject to a detrimental cyber attack. Andy touched on the fact that the most important thing to do was have a strategy in place to ensure that not only do you need the technologies to protect the business but that the whole business is bought into the idea of the business cyber security plan by educating all users from the board to the IT team.
Download Andy’s Presentation
One of ComputerWorld’s Security Experts, David Hepworth was on stage next and presented around the fundamentals of Internal Network Security Threats. Dave spoke through the mistakes that are constantly made which puts your business at risk. Dave introduced and went into detail about the National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) CyberSecurity framework to help protect your business through 5 steps; Identity, protect, detect, respond and recover.
Download Dave’s Presentation

BitDefender wrapped up the event with another frightening presentation around the risk of the particular Cyber Threat, Ransomware. Liam Puleo, SE at Bitdefender explained what Ransomware is and how it has evolved over the years and can seriously affect your business.
Download Liam’s Presentation
We are holding more ‘On Tour’ events over the coming months and will go into deep detail around cyber security, virtualisation and cloud, workspace transformation, networking and Microsoft technologies. If you would like to see what is already in the calendar, click here.
What event’s are Computerworld holding?
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